Category: Indonesia

  • Emerging Players

    Emerging Players

    This week, we’re covering emerging players in different institutions across the globe as Houthi authorities in Yemen announced a new “Change and Construction” cabinet, Elmar Nascimento has emerged as the frontrunner for Brazil’s next speaker of the Chamber of Deputies and Indonesia’s new energy minister could accelerate the rollout of new ministerial CCS regulations.

    Read more: Emerging Players
  • Little Victories

    Little Victories

    This week in our newsletter, we cover Javier Milei’s first legislative win, South Africa’s cabinet picks, and party loyalty in Indonesia.

    Read more: Little Victories
  • New Leaders, New Capital

    New Leaders, New Capital

    This week, our newsletter covers changing party dynamics in Angola’s ruling MPLA, Tinubu’s leadership changes in Nigeria (but no cabinet reshuffle yet), and Indonesia’s new capital, Nusantara, expected to be inaugurated this August.

    Read more: New Leaders, New Capital
  • US to Help Indonesian Forests Go Net Zero

    US to Help Indonesian Forests Go Net Zero

    The Ubadari offshore gas field in eastern West Papua province will be the first in Indonesia to include carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology.

    Read more: US to Help Indonesian Forests Go Net Zero
  • Webinar: Indonesia Elections Outlook

    Webinar: Indonesia Elections Outlook

    Horizon Engage hosted an exclusive event with our Indonesia expert, Siwage Dharma Negara, who took an in-depth look at the 2024 Indonesia elections and their impact on foreign direct investors. Who are the hidden influencers in a potential Prabowo administration?

    Read more: Webinar: Indonesia Elections Outlook
  • Indonesia Ups CCS Game in Energy Transition

    Indonesia Ups CCS Game in Energy Transition

    The Ubadari offshore gas field in eastern West Papua province will be the first in Indonesia to include carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology.

    Read more: Indonesia Ups CCS Game in Energy Transition
  • Indonesia Hits Energy Transition Milestone with West Java FSPP

    Indonesia Hits Energy Transition Milestone with West Java FSPP

    In Indonesia, President Joko Widodo inaugurated the country’s largest solar power plant in Cirata, West Java. At the event, Jokowi said that the FSPP will help Indonesia meet its goal of increasing the share of renewables in the national energy mix from the current 13% to 23% in 2025.

    Read more: Indonesia Hits Energy Transition Milestone with West Java FSPP