New Government, Economic Risks and Outlook for Investors

21 September 2023 | 10:00-10:30 AM EDT | Online Webinar

Horizon Engage hosted an exclusive event with our Argentina expert based in Buenos Aires, Marcelo Garcia, a month before an election that could open a radical new era for the country. The discussion examined possible scenarios, opportunities and risks ahead for investors as the country enters unchartered territory.

Webinar: Argentina ElectionsNew Government, Economic Risks and Outlook for Investors

Key Topics:

  • Economic stability and possible regime change
  • Key power brokers surrounding top candidates
  • Road ahead for investors
  • Key policies expected in 2024

Meet the Speakers:

Marcelo Garcia

Marcelo Garcia – Senior Advisor, Argentina
Marcelo has specialized in Argentina’s political and commercial environment for foreign investors for over twenty years. Read Marcelo’s Bio.

Alexander Zaslavsky

Dr Alexander Zaslavsky, Co-founder, Managing Partner and Head of Research
Alexander (Sasha) is one of two co-founders of Horizon Engage, establishing the company in 2003, with the goal to provide unbiased, unvarnished, concise research to our clients. Read Sasha’s Bio.

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