Spanish Connections:
My Diplomatic Journey from Venezuela to Equatorial Guinea

by Mark Asquino

Spanish Connections book cover, by Mark Asquino

Our Senior Advisor for Equatorial Guinea, Mark Asquino, published a memoir detailing his career and experiences in the US Foreign Service. This memoir is available for purchase on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble.

Synopsis: This is a memoir about my diplomatic journey to Equatorial Guinea, an ill-fated small Spanish-speaking country. I discuss the many stops along the way that finally led to my serving as US Ambassador to Spain’s only former colony in sub-Saharan Africa. This is the story of a lifelong fascination with Spain that began with a strange tale my mother told me about a mysterious uncle who fought in the Spanish Civil War. My assignment to Equatorial Guinea was the last piece needed to complete a full circle in my professional life that began in Franco’s Spain.


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